It was the year of our first plantation. We planted Hárslevelű in the Határi vineyard and Furmint in the Csontos vineyard. We had to be in a hurry since the early spring brought rapid budding. During this dry and warm year we learned many things about the soils. Our family was growing – the biggest present of the year was the birth of our second son.

WineDrynessAlcoholSugarAcidityNo. of bottlesVolume
Csontos F off-dry 14.49 11.5 4.6 1120 0.75 l
Teleki F dry 14.44 4.8 4.9 269 0.75 l
Határi H dry 14.59 7,2 5.2 580 0.75 l
Határi F dry 14.23 6.7 5.7 580 0.75 l
Késői szüret Vinoport F, H sweet 12.16 71.3 5.9 600 0.5 l
Bott-rytis F, H sweet 11.28 91.2 5.2 1820 0.5 l

F: Furmint | H: Hárslevelű | M: muskotály