Our first harvest, when we could make the entire vertical product range within the vintage: sparkling, single-vineyard dry Hárslevelű and Furmint, Exczellencziás, late harvest, szamorodni, and aszú wines. Ecstatic feelings, we would have been thirsting such a vintage for a long time in the future, I bet.

WineDrynessAlcoholSugarAcidityNo. of bottlesVolume
Csontos F dry 13.94 6.7 7.5 1253 0.75 l
Teleki F, H off-dry 13.07 12 7.7 854 0.75 l
Határi H dry 13.32 8.4 7.1 1260 0.75 l
Kulcsár H dry 13.62 8.5 6.8 1240 0.75 l
Palánkos F off-dry 13.22 11.9 5.9 282 0.75 l
Exczellencziás F, H dry 14.04 7.6 6.6 546 0.75 l
Buborék H, M off-dry 12.77 13.9 7.1 1066 0.75 l
Bott-rytis F, H sweet 11.39 126.6 6 1648 0.5 l
Tokaji Szamorodni F sweet 12 151.9 6.2 1320 0.375 l
Tokaji Aszú F, H sweet 9.57 243.9 7.5 682 0.375 l

F: Furmint | H: Hárslevelű | M: muskotály